Google Search Ads

When online shoppers want to buy a product, they first search Google on their mobile device or computer. The way we offer is you can reach the users who search for the products you sell at the stage of getting an idea or making a decision, enabling your products to reach more new customers.

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Google Search Ads

Reach the customers
both right next to you or all around
of the world.

Google Search Ads

Google contributes the most to sales growth on retail sites.

Google Search Ads

First choice of users who want to buy new products.

Google Search Ads

Platform and 1 billion users each.

Google Search Ads

Google Maps


Millions of users every day use Google Maps to reach their destinations and find local businesses. Where to shop ”and“ Where to buy? ” such as mobile searches have increased by over 85% in the past 2 years. Give users the ability to find what they’re looking for and shop from your business while they’re near your selling location.

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More than 90% of users say they have discovered new brands and products on YouTube. You can reach these users whenever they connect at all shopping stages, such as researching products, deciding to buy, or getting ideas for the products they will buy later.

Contact us to get support from our expert team.

Google Search Ads
Google Search Ads

Google Assistant

Voice technologies like Google Assistant have transformed the way users search for information, making everyday tasks easier and faster. The global availability of Google Assistant on more than 1 billion devices such as phones, smart watches and smart homes has also enabled these technologies to offer brands a great opportunity to communicate with customers in a more meaningful and natural way.

Contact us to get support from our expert team.

Google Images



50% of online shoppers state that product images encourage them to buy much safer. Make sure that your products are displayed and discovered in places such as Google Images that are both highly visible and where users can look for ideas.

Contact us to get support from our expert team.

Contact us to get support from our expert team.

Google Search Ads